Who Will Show Me Love?
By Clarrie Wilkins, Queensland, Australia
While listening to a track from the CD, HU: A Love Song to God by Harold Klemp, I felt drawn to a story in which an ECKist wanted outer confirmation of God’s love…
By Clarrie Wilkins, Queensland, Australia
While listening to a track from the CD, HU: A Love Song to God by Harold Klemp, I felt drawn to a story in which an ECKist wanted outer confirmation of God’s love…
by Ardi Keim, Massachussetts
curled in feline C
curve tail to touch
nose-whiskered tip
in dream-timed breath…
by Harold Klemp
This is an interesting case of Lucinda and her cat, Special. Some years ago, Lucinda had the same dream three nights in a row. It was of a white light coming down in a blue sky. Then she had the dream of a cat with certain markings three times in a row. She was wondering, What’s all this about?
by Harold Klemp
Up ahead he [the writer] noticed a grubby-looking little art store, the kind of place he normally wouldn’t bother to patronize. An empty parking space was right in front, and suddenly he got the feeling that the ECK was steering him to it. He quickly pulled over to the curb, parked his car, and went inside…
by Harold Klemp
Here’s another cat story. “Holly” is a care manager in a facility in the United Kingdom. About a year ago, a very astonishing thing happened. Holly said that one of the residents has a cat, and this cat took a liking to her.