A Spiritual Master Helps a Veterinarian

A Spiritual Master Helps a Veterinarian

By Harold Klemp

This is a story about a vet, a cat, and Prajapati, an ECK Master who takes a special interest in animals. Our story begins with “Mike.” He’s a young man. He was riding his bike down on the beach, and there he saw a surfboard. Nobody was around, so he took it home, got on the Internet, and went to a site that specializes in help wanted and lost items. He put a notice up—”Found: A surfboard.”

Contemplating with a Cat

Contemplating with a Cat

By Harold Klemp

This is the story of “Alita.” She’s the mom of Minnou, a cat she’s owned for ten years. I have to say, the only name that I haven’t changed in these stories is Minnou’s. I don’t think she’ll mind.

During the ten years that Minnou has lived in Alita’s home, the Spiritual Exercises of ECK have become very important for Minnou. This is the HU session with the Mahanta, the Inner Master.