A German Shepherd Responds to the Sound of Soul
By Tammy Attama, Virginia
From the first time I saw a video recording from Eckankar called “Miracles in Your Life,” I knew it was special. The clip introduces HU, the sacred Sound of Soul. The melody of the background music gives me chills, the photography is exquisite, and the inspiring quotes touch my heart.
Adventure with a Snowy Owl
By Crystal Doyle, New York
A local raptor expert and friend, David, has been catching, banding, and releasing raptors near Rochester, New York, for twenty-five years. He is especially interested in aiding the tracking and research on snowy owls—stunningly beautiful white owls with bright yellow eyes and bristly feather-covered beaks.
Healing for the Heart of a Horse
By Danielle Weber-Adrian
One of my grandfather’s greatest passions was to raise, train, and love horses. None of his three children or three grandchildren loved horses. That is, until I came along as his fourth grandchild. When my mother was leaving for the hospital to give birth to me he said, “This one is my last chance. This one doesn’t get a vote.”
A Spiritual Master Helps a Veterinarian
By Harold Klemp
This is a story about a vet, a cat, and Prajapati, an ECK Master who takes a special interest in animals. Our story begins with “Mike.” He’s a young man. He was riding his bike down on the beach, and there he saw a surfboard. Nobody was around, so he took it home, got on the Internet, and went to a site that specializes in help wanted and lost items. He put a notice up—”Found: A surfboard.”
A Hungarian Street Dog Finds love
Ingo Meckel, Germany
I became acquainted with my life companion, Rosi, during a teacup hour with ECKists, members of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ, in Germany. She had recently adopted a former street dog from Hungary.
Love Is the Secret Ingredient
By Teresa Rogers, South Carolina
I spend a lot of time in the kitchen these days. I make my own food and care for a house full of aging animals— dogs, a one-eyed cat, and a cranky parrot. Yet, the Holy Spirit delivers experiences to open me to life when daily challenges close my heart.