By Harold Klemp

“Holly” is a care manager in a facility in the United Kingdom. About a year ago, a very astonishing thing happened. Holly said that one of the residents has a cat, and this cat took a liking to her. At every break time, the cat would walk in the door and wait, meowing. And if Holly didn’t come right away, the cat would walk up to her and kind of scratch at her leg. Finally when Holly got up, the cat would lead the way to the break room.

One day the cat came at the wrong time. Holly was at her desk, working. The cat came to the door and meowed. Holly had more work to do; she didn’t move. The cat came up and scratched at her leg. Holly thought, No, I’m going to stay here. It’s not break time. The cat went away. From her desk, Holly saw the cat walk down the hallway and go to her owner’s room.

A little bit later, the cat came back. She sat in the doorway and made a very sad mewing sound. She came up again, scratched at Holly’s leg, and then started down the hallway.

Holly knew this was trouble. There was something wrong. She followed the cat into the room and saw that the resident had fallen out of bed in such a way that she would have suffocated had Holly not come. Help came because the resident’s cat knew how to send a clear message.

Holly marveled at this. She said, “It was wonderful how the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master sent one Soul to save the life of another.”

There are so many good stories that come from you that I enjoy preparing my talks. I start in plenty of time so I can go over and savor your letters. I go through many. It’s always interesting to hear how the Holy Spirit, the ECK, is working in your lives.

Some feel there are no miracles left. There are always miracles left. ECKists know this because they know what to look for. They know when to go on high alert. Because there’s a special blessing. It’s a gift of the Master to you.

And the gift must be accepted and returned. The Master doesn’t ask for worship. But for those who are his disciples, just simply that they love and cherish him as the representative of the spiritual power, with an understanding that you also have the spiritual power.


Excerpted from The Master’s Talks in The Year of Graceful Living—2011–12.