Special-Delivery Rescue Cat

Special-Delivery Rescue Cat

By Laurence Cruz, California

My wife, Patty, and I called Kata our miracle cat. She was a unique blend of qualities packed into one tiny gray kitty. Kata was the nighttime neck-hugging, streetwise toast of our colorful Los Angeles neighborhood. She was also best buddies with Orange, a tough rescued tomcat with whom she agreed to share her home. But one day Kata left our lives. 

A Dream Healing with Sam

A Dream Healing with Sam

By Peter Skrivanic, Kyoto, Japan

At ten years old, I went with my family to our local humane society in Oakville, a suburb of Toronto, Canada, to find our first family pet. Looking from cage to cage, I stopped before one that held Sam, a six-year-old, gray, male tabby cat with yellow-green eyes. He was large, slightly rotund, and older than most of the other cats in the shelter.