The Love Song a Steer Loves
By Kathi Jacobson, Alberta, Canada
One beautiful summer evening, I went for a walk around our farm. Out loud I sang HU, an ancient chant that I learned about in Eckankar.
By Kathi Jacobson, Alberta, Canada
One beautiful summer evening, I went for a walk around our farm. Out loud I sang HU, an ancient chant that I learned about in Eckankar.
by Harold Klemp
This story is about “Carol.” She lives in cattle country, in a small town near San Angelo, Texas.
One morning Carol went outside. Her neighbor was outside too, and on his lawn were three bulls. One was a huge longhorn, and the other two were little black bulls.
By Gai Lawson, Ontario
From early childhood, horses have fascinated me. I dearly loved their smell, sound, and touch. They each have their own personalities. Some are easy-going; some are cranky-pants and stubborn; others are as open as blossoming flowers. I call horses lovely, four-legged people.