Pets Are Vehicles for Love
People who are new to Eckankar are sometimes surprised when they hear us refer to cats and dogs as Soul. In ECK, we do regard our pets as Soul. Why? Because they are.
People who are new to Eckankar are sometimes surprised when they hear us refer to cats and dogs as Soul. In ECK, we do regard our pets as Soul. Why? Because they are.
By Stacy Rae Lake, California
At two thirty one morning, I was awakened by an energy surging through my body. I sat up in bed and heard an inner voice from my spiritual guide, the Mahanta. The voice was telling me, “Go to your computer and put in these words: “Persian-cat rescue.”
By Harold Klemp
Some of us are cat people, and others are dog people. I think I’m more of a cat person, although I also like dogs. In fact, we have a little dog at home. Molly is a sweet, forgiving little animal whose main reason for being on earth is to love somebody—even a cat lover.
By Harold Klemp
This is the story of “Alita.” She’s the mom of Minnou, a cat she’s owned for ten years. I have to say, the only name that I haven’t changed in these stories is Minnou’s. I don’t think she’ll mind.
During the ten years that Minnou has lived in Alita’s home, the Spiritual Exercises of ECK have become very important for Minnou. This is the HU session with the Mahanta, the Inner Master.
By Harold Klemp
Wilton, a retired man from Auckland, New Zealand, reported the case of Tiddles, his cat, saving a bird. The story runs like this: