Dog People and Cat People
By Linda Wilken, Oregon
I’d been a cat person from the get-go. I just came into this life totally relating to and loving cats. It wasn’t that I didn’t like dogs; it was just that I felt deeply and totally comfortable in the world of cats. By contrast, dogs—while likable—just seemed to have come from a completely different planet.
A Little Bird Answers My Question
By Elyce E. Singleton, New Jersey
I was driving to work and spied a little bird on the dividing line between lanes. Concerned for its safety, I quickly doubled back to the spot.
The Miracle of a Cat Named Kimba
By Deborah Paris, Western Australia
When Jason and I got married I had five cats, all from rescue homes, all pure white. Unfortunately my husband had allergies which meant that certain rooms were out of bounds for my furry friends.
A Dog Brings Divine Love to a Woman in Need
A certain woman was considered to be very strong by her friends. She was the person that others went to when they had trouble in their lives. But one morning she woke up feeling depressed, lonely, forgotten, and unloved. Seventeen years ago on this date her father had died, and she had kept her sorrow to herself all these years.
Rescuing Rosie, the Adventurous Cockatiel
By Sibylle Saunders, Vermont
My husband Tom and I went hiking on a beautiful Vermont fall day. We made the decision to hike to a nearby pond where we heard a number of birds. We didn’t recognize one of the bird sounds from across the pond. The bird got closer and closer. Was it a cardinal? A warbler?
Sharing Shade with a Rattlesnake
Gai Lawson, British Columbia, Canada
As a student of Eckankar, I have an understanding of how the Mahanta, my spiritual guide, often shelters me under his “umbrella” of divine love, and offers me respite from the sometimes frantic world around me. This divine love supported me as we relocated last year.