By Carol Sims, California
Recently I was in my front yard discussing bush removal with Tom, my landscaper. I happened to glance between our house and the one next door and saw a beautiful white hen.
We live in an older neighborhood of 1960s ranch houses, built only ten feet apart. To get to the space where I could see the hen from my front yard, she had to fly over the six-foot backyard fence and work her way through a couple of wires and a bunch of thorny bushes.
Just when I spotted “Nugget,” my neighbor came out his front door. “Mike, one of your chickens is between our houses!” I shouted.
He explained that they’d had trouble with their coop. No matter what they did, a raccoon kept breaking in. This was the last chicken from a flock of six. Even though Mike had repaired the coop each time, the raccoon kept getting in. Poor Nugget must have been terrified.
The Search for Nugget’s New Home
I asked Mike’s wife, Aleena, if she wanted to find a new home for the hen, and she was grateful for the help. Then I went into my house and started texting friends. “Do you know someone who could adopt a chicken?”
At first, I couldn’t find anyone. My animal-rescue friend Kristy, other friends, and I continued searching.
Finally, our friend Christine said she was happy to drive sixty miles from her farm in Hesperia and pick up Nugget the next day. What a golden heart!
Aleena was delighted we’d found a safe new place for Nugget. She made arrangements to keep her in the garage that night, secure from the neighborhood masked raider. At noon the next day, Nugget was on her way to her new forever home.
By that evening we were all so happy to hear that Nugget had fit in immediately and even had a new hen pal who was also white and was showing her the ropes.

Nugget, far left, at her new farm home.
When I heard how perfect her new home was, I realized it had been more than a happy coincidence that I saw Nugget that day! I believe she actively sought me out for help. She didn’t dare come into my backyard, because my dogs, Lady and Razz, might not have recognized her as a friend. She risked life and wing to get to a spot where I would see her. For me, this was such a good example of how God helps Souls who help themselves.
Then another amazing thing dawned on me: Divine Spirit had orchestrated Mike’s coming out of his house at that exact, right moment so he could explain the situation.
I’m so grateful that I didn’t miss Nugget’s plea for help. I am honored to have been one of the vehicles who assisted in her life-changing adventure. I hope I always have my antennae up for opportunities to be of service to other Souls in need.
—Photos by Christine Christie
Kind of amazing, all the pieces and Souls that came together to make it happen too. Loved it!
I love this story about Nugget. Thanks! All the coincidences are a real part of what happened.
This nugget is a gem! Thanks for sharing it, Carol.
Thank you for sharing this story. The smallest of events give opportunities to be a co-worker with the Eck.
What a totally lovely story you shared. I’m so happy for Nugget. Isn’t it wonderful to be part of the Divine’s plan for Nugget? Lately there seem to be hens and roosters everywhere needing help. A beautiful rooster showed up and my sister-in-laws back yard and a small, yellow/white rooster made its way to a neighbor’s yard. I hope they all found a home as good as the one you found for Nugget. I have not heard the outcomes yet.
What a beautiful confirmation of soul in a body other than human and God’s love for soul.
Loved story about Nugget, the white chicken. God bless!
Wonderful story…
Wonderful story! All about being aware with a heart full of love!
Thanks Carol, my friend!
What a wonderful group of comments! Thank you so much!
I thought I’d give you an update from Chris: In her new home Nugget is laying eggs regularly, doing her part to contribute to the family farm!
Your warm comments have made my day. Indeed, learning LOVE is the reason we are here.
Thanks for sharing your story. What an opportunity for all involved to be a vehicle to give of themselves in service, and find little Nugget a happy home. And for the reminder to be open to opportunities to serve life.
What a wonderful experience Carol! The ECK orchestrates everything perfectly and with love.
Enjoyed your story, Carol. It sounded like you got a whole posse together to help find this clever hen a new home. It’s a great incentive when everyone does their best and goes with the flow of the ECK. A great example of why bad things happen to good people (or hens). An opportunity to trust in God and share the love.
Amazing. God works in mysterious ways to perform wonders. Keep your antennae up to pick up the signals. Thanks Carol.
“Hen Pal” – hahaha What a great way to express the new friendship. Loved the story and the telling. Thanks.
It’s all about love. This is a beautiful example of how keeping our hearts open to God’s love places each of us in the right place at the right time to share that love and help one another. Carol’s open loving heart allowed her to notice that Nugget needed help, and to search for a safe home for the hen. Mike and his wife loved Nugget enough to give her away to keep her safe. And Christine, with her loving heart, drove 120 miles to get this hen to a safe and happy home. It’s all about love.
Nice story. But the best part was the final statement . “I hope I always have my antennae up for opportunities to be of service to other Souls in need.”A good reminder. Thank you Carol.