What Is a Lamb’s Life Purpose?

What Is a Lamb’s Life Purpose?

By Jenny Page Jai, Minnesota

Bella, a lamb, was born on a cold March day in Minnesota. While her twin brother was large and robust, Bella was small and frail. The next morning, mother and son were doing well, but Bella was weak and cold. I carried her into the house, wrapped a blanket around her, then held her in my arms while telling her I loved her and that God loved her too.

Cows See ECK Masters

Cows See ECK Masters

By Gai Lawson, Ontario, Canada

From the time I began to study the teachings of Eckankar as a young adult, I was aware of inner spiritual guides known as ECK Masters. These wise beings protected and guided me, providing loving assistance in sometimes surprising ways. Little did I know that the ECK Masters could also guide cows.