by Harold Klemp | Dec 7, 2020 | Cats, Dreams with Animals, Featured Columnist |
By Sri Harold Klemp
A woman kept a kennel for cats. People who were going on vacation brought their cats, and she took care of them. She loved cats and built very big cages for them. Her business cards had mottoes like “We love cats” or “Love is everything.”
by Gai Lawson | Jun 11, 2019 | Animals and Miracles, Farm Animals, Gai Lawson |
By Gai Lawson, Ontario, Canada
From the time I began to study the teachings of Eckankar as a young adult, I was aware of inner spiritual guides known as ECK Masters. These wise beings protected and guided me, providing loving assistance in sometimes surprising ways. Little did I know that the ECK Masters could also guide cows.
by Contributor | Aug 19, 2018 | Animals Teach Love, Dogs |
By Linda Duncanson Miller
From childhood, I always wanted a dog of my own. Although I knew that I wasn’t ready for one, it seemed as if I was being prepared for this eventual gift.